Sleep Tips & Tales

young millennial mother slumped kitchen floor hands on head distressed

Honey, I think the kids have shrunk my brain!

It’s widely acknowledged that parents act as Nurse, Chef, Taxi Driver, Teacher, Facilities Manager, Meeting/Event Planner, Logistics Analyst, and that’s often all before 9am some days!

Gosh, no wonder we’re overwhelmed, and our brains sometimes feel fried!

magical toddlers bedroom musical mobile reflecting stars moon on wall

The ‘kettle in the fridge’ phenomena of sleep deprived parents

Lack of sleep can really take its toll on households, but we are going to share some proven strategies that can help get everyone enough zzz’s to function again. Because, while the sort of sleep deprivation that many families go through can make for some funny tales, it can also actually create some worrying effects. 

45 year old mum with 4 children aged 13-25 wearing Muluzu brand tshirts posing for business picture in rose filled courtyard

Building a family business and brand

I had this strong urge to write this post today and to be ‘raw’.

The past 20 odd months bringing Muluzu to you has not been easy, that’s for sure.

In all honesty the product idea was the smoothest part. Kyle had a sleep problem when he was younger. He was able to recall what eventually helped and Samara was able to bring a solution through talented creativity. That was where the smooth sailing finished.

Young 4 year old girl tucked in white bed sheets with head on penguin pillowcase fast asleep

Toddler sleep struggles

....guess what, they ARE normal.

As a Mum, there are many times we are at our wits end when it comes to our kids and their sleep habits (or lack thereof!). I came across a great piece (that I have condensed) by @tracycasselphd, Founder of Evolutionary Parenting, that I’d like to share with you as food for thought:

3 year old boy in turmeric pyjamas jumping bed throwing toy sausage dog in air

Let’s talk kids' mattresses

I never really thought too much about shopping for my kids’ mattresses. I’d simply walk into the store, tell the sales assistant my budget and ask for the best valued product.